angles appearance architectural architecture castellated colored coloured craftsmanship crenellation crenels dark decorated decorative distinctive exterior external façade historic historical history home house light linear lines old ornamental ornamentation painted patterns plain Rendered Renovated renovations shaded solid style surface surfaces textured textures two-storey two-story urban view views walls windows building christian church church-complex color coloration colour community contrast contrasting cross edged edges elements faith height heritage high modern New ornament patterned perspectives religious Singapore wall architectural-elements city design facade features frontage masonry pillars ridges roof segments shade shadow shapes Somber sombre stonework strength strong sunlight sunshine support top variation variety

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0 0 grade account_circle castellated building style1
0 0 grade account_circle castellated building style5
0 0 grade account_circle castellated building style4
1 0 grade account_circle castellated building style6
2 0 grade account_circle modern church complex4
1 0 grade account_circle modern church complex5
0 0 grade account_circle modern church complex2
1 0 grade account_circle modern church complex3
0 0 grade account_circle modern church complex6
0 0 grade account_circle modern church complex7
2 0 grade account_circle historic city home1
15 2 grade account_circle rough textured wood wall1
92 1 grade account_circle Pale Wood Texture 2
6 0 grade account_circle glass & concrete city blocks
4 0 grade account_circle WWI war memorial display1
1 0 grade account_circle Christmas - the Big Picture6
9 3 grade account_circle Christmas - the Big Picture11
61 3 grade account_circle Paris sur Seine Twilight
1 0 grade account_circle windows to a T B-W1b
5 0 grade account_circle tree reflections1
1 0 grade account_circle tree reflections2
0 0 grade account_circle forgotten spade1
0 0 grade account_circle forgotten spade2
1 0 grade account_circle brown mosaic tiling
10 0 grade account_circle rocky canyon walls3
6 0 grade account_circle rocky canyon walls2
8 1 grade account_circle rocky canyon walls1
4 0 grade account_circle bubbles from below2
1 0 grade account_circle castellated building style7
1 0 grade account_circle castellated building style8
12 1 grade account_circle bushland park gardens6
5 0 grade account_circle pressed wood chip board1
7 0 grade account_circle pressed wood chip board2
7 1 grade account_circle Number 9s revealing shadows...
2 0 grade account_circle like boxes in a row1
3 1 grade account_circle footbridge shelter4fsm
1 0 grade account_circle meeting place4
3 0 grade account_circle sunlight & shadow accomm3
2 0 grade account_circle sunlight & shadow accomm1
2 0 grade account_circle sunlight & shadow accomm2
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